Difficulties in translating ’l fiʽl ’lmudāriʽ ( الفعل المضارع ) from Arabic into English Analytical and critical study of the translation of ’lbaqara by M.A.S Abdel Haleem

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Our dissertation, whose problematics discusses the difficulties encountered in translating ’lfi‛l ’lmudāri‛ from Arabic to English in sŭrat ’lbaqara, aims to cover some of the difficulties met by the translators while translating ’lfi‛l ’lmudāri‛ and provide some possible solutions which might be useful in overcoming these difficulties after applying the dynamic equivalence approach of Nida and Taber which cares more about conveying the meaning implied in the ST and producing the same expressive and imperative effects in the TT. We will try through our dissertation, which is divided into two chapters (theoretical and practical), to confirm the hypotheses that are all about the specific features of the holy Qur’an, the differences which exist between Arabic and English namely the ones related to the uses and forms of the present tense and the application of Nida and Taber’s dynamic equivalence approach to the translation of ’lfi‛l ’lmudāri‛ from Arabic to English in the holy Qur’an. The conclusions we came to after conducting this research proved that the Qur’an as well as English and Arabic have some particular features which make them differ from one another; Nida and Taber’s dynamic equivalence approach seems to be the most appropriate approach for such kind of translations, namely when dealing with the present tense.


p.61; 30cm. (+CD)



Translation Arabic- English