Sexist Language in Beauty and the Beast Animated Movie (1991) and Action Movie (2017): A Sociolinguistic Analysis

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Mouloud Mammeri University


The present study investigates the sexist language used in two American movies: Beauty and the Beast (1991) animation movie and Beauty and the Beast (2017) live action movie. The aim of our study is to reveal the sexist language used in both versions from a sociolinguistic perspective; it thrives to show how women are depicted in both the live action and animated versions. The study analyzed the scripts of both movies by adopting a qualitative research method, which allows a deep “explanation of the concepts” analyzed by the framework introduced by Sara Mills (2008) Language and Sexism. Twelve scenes from each movie were selected for analysis. The results revealed that both overt and indirect sexism were found in the analyzed scenes. Sexist language was manifested at two levels: the word level and the discourse level, as well as the presence of insult terms, sexism in swear words, semantic derogation, naming, presupposition, words and meaning. The conclusion to be drawn from the findings is that the language used in the two movies we analyzed is sexist against women. It is shown in the use of sexist terms, sentences, and derogatory vocabulary and that women are depicted as objects or properties, powerless, and second- place citizens. Men, on the other hand, are depicted as dominant and powerful masters; therefore, movies can be seen as carriers of discrimination against women


54p. ; 30cm(+CD-Rom)


Beauty and the Beast animation, Beauty and the Beast live action, Movies, sexist language, sociolinguistics
