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    Investigating Students’ Receptive Pragmatic Competence : Comprehension of Conversational Implicatures by Third-Year and Master One Students in the Department of English at UMMTO.
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Medjane Celina; Lateb Ryma
    The importance of pragmatic competence in EFL context has widely been recognized by applied linguists. However, very meagre inquiry was devoted to understand the extent to which Algerian EFL learners possess this competence. Therefore, the present study aims to comprehensively assess the level of receptive pragmatic competence among students in the English department at the University of Tizi-Ouzou, particularly in their ability to comprehend conversational implicatures. Additionally, it seeks to identify the instructional practices that help students develop their receptive pragmatic competence and understand conversational implicatures. Furthermore, it aims to identify and analyse the common challenges faced by students at UMMTO in grasping the subtleties of conversational implicatures. To achieve these aims, a mixed-method approach combining both qualitative and quantitative data collection was employed. Two data collection instruments have been used which are: a questionnaire adopted from Zeghough and Hamoudi (2020) and a conversational test developed by Grice in 1975 and Bouton in 1994, administered in the form of a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) to 57 participants. The findings revealed that EFL students demonstrated a notable awareness of conversational implicatures and acknowledged the significance of pragmatic competence, aligning with Grice's Cooperative Principle. The agreement among students suggests a satisfactory level of awareness. Instructional practices, such as analyzing native speakers' language, engaging in communicative practices with implicature, and incorporating cultural references, were identified as effective in enhancing pragmatic competence. Challenges in understanding implicatures included misinterpretation, difficulty with understated criticism, and issues with scalar implicatures, emphasizing the necessity for sustained practice of implicatures thereby strengthening their skills in effectively understanding subtle aspects of communication
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    Racial Inequality in Alan Paton’s Cry the Beloved Country (1948) and James Baldwin’s Notes of a Native Son (1955)
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Damous Lydia; Djelouahi Hakim
    This research paper is a comparative study of Cry, the Beloved Country (1948) written by the South African writer Alan Paton and Notes of a Native Son (1955) written by the Afro-American writer James Baldwin. It deals with racial inequalities in these two works, we intended to argue that the Black race in both South Africa and America experience unequal treatments with the whites in various spheres. To achieve our purpose, we relied on the theoretical guidelines of Eugene P. Dvorin’s The Theory of Apartheid: National Racial Policy in the Union of South Africa (1951) and Stephen Steinberg’s theory Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial Justice in American Thought and Policy (1995). The first chapter delves into the exclusion of the blacks from the social sphere, the study revealed that the South African and the American societies have maintained a policy of social rejection and established scientific justification for the inferiority of the blacks. The second chapter analysis the psychological effects of discrimination causing mental disorder. This extended research concludes with the third chapter that deals with the economic exploitation of the black labor. The black South Africans and African Americans suffered from segregation, regardless of being a majority or a minority. The two works explore in a similar way the suffering of the black race under systemic racism and their struggle for racial equality
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    Pupils’ Mother Tongue in Elementary EFL Classes: Teachers’ Practices.
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Azzouz Salim; Bouchiba Massinissa
    The current study addresses the issue of pupils’ Mother Tongue interference in the development of proficiency in the practice of EFL in Algeria. This study aims to explore how pupils’ first languages, Arabic and Berber, hinder their ability to acquire a foreign language. We adopted two theories in relation to language acquisition. The first one is Piaget’s theory and cognitive development in relation to language transfer and the second one is called Error Analysis (EA), which can be helpful to teach language and to understand the types of errors that pupils make when they produce speech. The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers overcome the mother tongue interference during the learning process and which techniques they use to help their pupils to master and use only English during class. In this research study two data collection tools are used : nine classroom observation sessions were conducted on 3rd and 4th year Elementary pupils in BELHOCINE Hocine and HAMMOUTENE Ali Elementary schools of TIZI-OUZOU, and EL MOKRANI, and AMAR Khelloufi Elementary schools of TIGZIRT. A questionnaire designed to elementary teachers was also submitted and sent via the social media ‘Facebook’ to teachers around Algeria. The collected data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistical method to turn the quantitative data into percentages, and the qualtitative data were analyzed by using Discourse Analysis (DA). The results of the study show that 3rd and 4th year Elementary school pupils make errors due to the interference between English, Arabic and Berber dialects because of the lack of proficiency since their early childhood, and that teachers tend to make use of Realia and concrete situations to help the pupil understand better the concepts and the nuances between each language.
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    Students’ Attitudes towards and Teachers’ Perceptions of the Utilization of ChatGPT to Improve Students’ Writing Proficiency
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Mokhebi Nouara; Miloudi Dehbia
    Since Chat GPT was introduced in 2022, it gained millions of users within months due to its varied functions. This research examines teachers’ perceptions and first-year master students’ attitudes towards the use of Chat GPT to improve students’ writing competency in the department of English at UMMTO. This study is drawn upon two theoretical foundations: Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (1986) and Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model (1989). To collect data for this study, a mixed-methods approach has been adopted through using two data collection instruments: a questionnaire that has been distributed randomly to (66) of Master I students and a semi-structured interview has been conducted with (9) teachers. To analyze the collected data, the Descriptive Statistical Method has been opted for the quantitative findings and the Qualitative Content Analysis for the qualitative ones. The results of the questionnaire have revealed that students hold positive attitudes towards the use of Chat GPT for writing and that its incorporation is not only limited to doing homework, but students also use it for other purposes, for instance, revising, facilitating learning, clarifying concepts, saving time, correcting mistakes, finding synonyms and improving their writing style. The results of the interview have shown that teachers’ perceptions are varied regarding the use of Chat GPT by students as there are some who support the idea and others who oppose it.
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    An Investigation of the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Promoting EFL Learners’ Self-regulated Learning Skills: The Case of Master’s Students at the Department of English at MMUTO
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Lacete Kamelia; Chelli Lynda
    Algerian EFL learners, like their counterparts across the globe, embrace the technological advancements which are marking our era, notably artificial intelligence. In this regard, the present study probes into the role of AI in promoting self-regulated learning skills, particularly cognition and metacognition, of EFL learners enrolled in a Master’s degree in language studies at the Department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi- Ouzou. This research seeks two main objectives. First, it aims to investigate the way these students cognitively engage with AI to perform academic tasks. Second, it attempts to measure the extent to which this technology assists them to metacognize about their performances. To meet these aims, this research builds upon Zimmerman’s Cyclical Model of Self-regulated Learning (2000) and adopts a mixed-methods approach. A questionnaire and the think-aloud protocol have been designed to collect data that have been analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative content analysis. The findings reveal that students cognitively engage using AI by analyzing their tasks, designing plans, setting goals and self-reacting to their performances; they also demonstrate that AI helps students in metacognition to a considerable extent. Ultimately, the findings suggest that AI helps EFL learners to regulate their learning.
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    Ngũgĩ wa᾽ Thiong᾽s I Will Marry When I Want (1977) and Athol Fugard’s My Children! My Africa! (1990): A Brechtian Reading
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2021) Abou Ania; Lattari Belkacem
    This research paper deals with the theme of social protest in Ngugi's I Will Marry When I Want (1977) and Athol Fugard’s My Children! My Africa! (1990). To develop our issue, we have adapted some principles from Brecht's theory of Epic Theatre. Our work is composed of two Chapters. The first one discusses the various "Epic Theatre" techniques that the two authors employ in the chosen plays to transform their respective theatre into a means for social change and protest. We have noticed that both Ngugi and Fuguard rely on Brechtian techniques to alienate their audiences. The second is a thematic analysis in which we tried to demonstrate the literary elements of James Ngugi and Athol Fugard, with much focus on oppression, exploitation, and the impact of capitalism. This is in addition to the character's political engagement. Through our analysis of the two plays, we have found that the two authors use theatre for the benefit of their people in order to awaken their consciousness by giving them a real representation of life.
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    The Role of Dialogic Method in Improving EFL Students’ Argumentative Skills: an Analysis of Students’ Views in the Department of English at MMUTO
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Adjoud Melissa; Boumekla Liticia
    The present study focuses on exploring the Dialogic method of teaching which is an approach to language learning that allows interaction and communication through conversation and dialogues between student/student and also student/teacher to develop argumentative skills and acquire speaking skills and critical thinking. The study deals also with its origins and its roles in improving argumentative skills of Master Students. This study has three main objectives. First, it is aimed to identify if the method is used in the classroom during the learning process. The second aim is to find out if the dialogic method improves the argumentative skills. Finally, it highlights the different roles of dialogic method in improving and developing the argumentative skills of learners. To carry this study, a mixed method approach involving qualitative and quantitative approaches has been followed. The research attempts to analyze the topic and determine the role that the Dialogic method plays in developing the argumentative skills of learners. It also highlights the principles of the method and for this a questionnaire is adopted and designed for students in order to gather and analyze the collected data. The findings have been converted into numerical data, and interpreted using content analysis. The results show that despite some shortcomings, the DM is used in the classroom. Hence, it develops the argumentative skills of Master Student, helping them to be communicatively competent.
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    Resilience of Tradition in Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and The Jewel (1963) and Ama Ata Aidoo’s Anowa (1970)
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2021) Ferhati Sabrina; Ibaouene Hayet
    This piece of research is a postcolonial comparative study of Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and The Jewel (1963) and Ama Ata Aidoo’s Anowa (1970). To carry out this study, we have relied on Homi K. Bhabha’s The Location of Culture (1994). We have focused on the affinities in the two authors’ misrepresentation of the traditional and modern thought and their cultural and social system. We have also dealt with the term Hybridity in both works and studied the authors’ point of view towards the postcolonial era. Our work has not only been restricted to the study of similarities and differences between the two works, but also the examination of Soyinka’s and Aidoo’s different approaches to celebrate and consolidate their respective traditions. Both Soyinka and Aidoo portray the theme of marriage and its aspects and how the traditional of marriage are obligatory in Africa in opposite to the modern one. The aim of our study revealed that both Soyinka and Aidoo expressed the inequality between two different worlds and two different sex male and female consciously or unconsciously.
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    Achebe, Ngugi, Armah and Kipling : A comparative study of resilience
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Atal Amel; Taleb Nesrine
    This present research studied the theme of resilience in all of Achebe’s Things fall apart, Ngugi’s A grain of wheat and Armah’s The beautyful ones are not yet born from both a dialogic and postcolonial approach. The aim of this dissertation is to draw thematic parallels between these postcolonial novels and Kipling’s poem entitled “If”; it seeks to unveil how Achebe, Ngugi and Armah embraced the Kiplingese poetic theme of resilience and engaged accordingly in a dialogue with it. Mainly, we have put emphasis on the personal motivations, conduct and ethical choices of the respective protagonists: Obierika, Mumbi and The Man to assess the significance of resilience in reflecting the African experience amidst the larger political and sociocultural forces. To achieve this goal, we relied on Bakhtin’s Dialogism combined with his prominent concepts of Stylization, Hidden Polemics and the Ideological nature of Characters developed in his books entitled The Dialogic imagination (1981) and Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics (1984). In addition, we supplemented our study with Aschroft’s analytical process of Appropriation and Abrogation introduced in The empire writes back: Theory and practice in postcolonial literature (2002), along with Fanon’s philosophical theories developed in his seminal work The wretched of the earth (1963). The findings of our analysis of the three novels under scrutiny showed to a certain degree a nuanced stylization of Kipling’s classical poem “If”, it revealed the extent to which the three protagonists stand as markers of this particular Kiplingese association. The writers in their attempt to amplify the voice of the African man in colonial and postcolonial eras, they adorned their narratives with polemics subtly challenging Kipling’s confinement of the ideals of resilience advocated in his canonical work.
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    Sexist Language in Beauty and the Beast Animated Movie (1991) and Action Movie (2017): A Sociolinguistic Analysis
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2021) AIit Ouarab Samira; Ben Addi Kahina
    The present study investigates the sexist language used in two American movies: Beauty and the Beast (1991) animation movie and Beauty and the Beast (2017) live action movie. The aim of our study is to reveal the sexist language used in both versions from a sociolinguistic perspective; it thrives to show how women are depicted in both the live action and animated versions. The study analyzed the scripts of both movies by adopting a qualitative research method, which allows a deep “explanation of the concepts” analyzed by the framework introduced by Sara Mills (2008) Language and Sexism. Twelve scenes from each movie were selected for analysis. The results revealed that both overt and indirect sexism were found in the analyzed scenes. Sexist language was manifested at two levels: the word level and the discourse level, as well as the presence of insult terms, sexism in swear words, semantic derogation, naming, presupposition, words and meaning. The conclusion to be drawn from the findings is that the language used in the two movies we analyzed is sexist against women. It is shown in the use of sexist terms, sentences, and derogatory vocabulary and that women are depicted as objects or properties, powerless, and second- place citizens. Men, on the other hand, are depicted as dominant and powerful masters; therefore, movies can be seen as carriers of discrimination against women
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    Myth and Symbolism in Gothic Literature:A Study of EdgarAllan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher(1839) and Stephen King’s Carrie(1974)
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2020) Amalou Dihia; Ait Yahiaoui Nouara
    The present paper under the title Myth and Symbolism in Gothic Literature: A study of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher and Stephan King’s Carries trives to compare between the different elements of Gothic genre existing in the two works being studied. The Fall of the House of Usher (1839) and Carrie(1974) are written by the American famous Edgar Allan Poe and the well-known Stephan King. Our research explores the common themes in the two stories and the way the authors present the gothic features under the scope of Northrop Frye’s theory Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (1957). Moreover, this dissertation aims is to explain the demonic worlds that are coined by Frye’s theory and the way they correspond to the features of gothic literature. It includes setting in castle, an atmosphere of misery and suspense, supernatural phenomenon and inexplicable events found in both novels. In addition, the sixth phase of history relocate the gothic features into parodies rather than horror.All of that contribute to the fact that old and new gothic narrations are highly important in terms of their depiction of social context issues .This investigation brought closer thesebookstotragedythatrepresenttheeightiethandtwentiethcenturies’Gothicis.Actually, they are good examples to show how important literature can be,and how it represents historical,social or individual facts.
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    Imagological Analysis of the Algerian Dessert in The Sheltering Sky (1949) and La Nuit de la Lézarde (1998)
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Lagrib kenza; Allouda Leila
    This dissertation investigates the representation of the desert in Paul Bowles's “The Sheltering Sky” (1949), and Malika Mokeddem's “La nuit de la lézarde” (1998) using Imagology as a theoretical framework. Imagology, a theory focusing on the study of images and representations of different cultures developed by Manfred Beller and Joep Leerssen, it is applied to analyze the portrayal of the desert in these literary works according to characters' perceptions and themes. The representation of the desert in the works of Bowles and Mokeddem, examined through the lens of Imagology, reveals the complex cultural and symbolic significance of the desert in fiction. The desert serves as a crucial space, reflecting the existential and psychological state of the characters, and functioning as a metaphor for the encounter between different cultures. Through the application of Imagology, the representation of the desert can be seen as a construct that shapes and is shaped by cultural perceptions, challenging limited views and inviting a nuanced understanding of its multifaceted symbolism. The desert highlights the interconnectedness of literary representations and cultural identity, and is a site of exploration, where the boundaries between the self and the other, the familiar and the foreign, are blurred. This representation invites readers to question preconceived notions and stereotypes, emphasizing the importance of understanding the cultural, historical, and political contexts that inform these two selected literary representations of the desert in both novels
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    Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of Motivational Strategies in the Foreign Language Classroom. The Case Study of Private School Teachers in Tizi-Ouzou.
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Mallek Emilia; Ouffar Amel
    This study explored the motivational strategies used by EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers in private schools and their perceptions of these strategies' importance and effectiveness in the language learning process. The research centres on three key objectives. First, it seeks to identify the motivational strategies employed by teachers and assesses their frequency of application in EFL private schools’ classes. Second, it aims to investigate teachers' perceptions regarding the significance of these motivational strategies in enhancing pupils’ motivation to learn English as a foreign language. Third and last, it seeks to explore the correlation between motivational strategies, students' motivation, and language learning outcomes. To achieve these objectives, Cheng and Dornyei's (2007) theoretical framework serves as the guiding lens. A mixed-methods research approach is adopted by combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. In order to collect the data, questionnaires consisting of two sections (frequency of use / perceived importance), are administered to forty EFL private school teachers across different regions in Tizi-Ouzou. The interview involved five EFL teachers from different private schools’ settings. Quantitative data are analysed through Descriptive Statistics, while qualitative data are analysed using Qualitative Content Analysis. The results disclose that EFL private school teachers employ diverse motivational strategies in their classrooms. Furthermore, findings indicate that EFL teachers in private schools recognize the significance of existing motivational strategies in foreign language learning and acquisition, considering them highly effective for EFL education. Crucially, this research establishes a clear link between the implementation of motivational strategies, students' motivation levels, and their learning outcomes.
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    The Feminine and the Masculine Within in William Faulkner’s The Sound and The Fury (1929) and Osamu Dazai’s The Setting Sun (1947)
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Bouzidi Malia
    This dissertation targets the depiction of the feminine and the masculine within in William Faulkner’s The Sound and The Fury (1929) and Osamu Dazai’s The Setting Sun (1947). This comparison aims to study how Faulkner and Dazai portray brave female characters and emotional male personas in almost the same historical and social setting. To thoroughly analyze the characters, psychoanalysis is fundamental for understanding thought patterns and behaviour. Carl Gustav Jun’s concepts of anima and animus provide the necessary knowledge for exploring the masculine aspect of women’s psyche, and the feminine aspect of men’s psyche. I also rely on the concept of shadow to analyze the male characters. The results of this research uncovers the masculine within of Caddy Compson and Kazuko who project their resilience.They fight and rebel to gain freedom and independence. The findings also points to the feminine energy of Quentin and Noji who are driven by hypersensitivity and emotional dominance. To conclude, Faulkner and Dazai contributed to the bearing of the feminine and masculine energy of both men and women by portraying women with heroic traits and men with deep emotions.
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    Lecture Note-taking Methods and their Effect on EFL Students’ Academic Achievement: The Case of Master One Language and Communication Students at the University of Tizi-Ouzou
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023-06) Lahmari Fetta
    The present study aims to examine the effect of lecture note-taking methods on students’ academic achievement. This research is centered around three major objectives. First, it seeks to identify the main note-taking methods used by Master one Language and Communication students relying on Ratnaprabha & Shashikala’ (2017) framework of Notetaking. Second, it aims to discover students’ perception on the usefulness of note-taking methods on their academic achievement. Third, it attempts to determine whether note-taking has a positive or a negative impact on students’ academic outcomes. To achieve the cited objectives, a quasi-experimental research was conducted in the department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou in addition to the use of mixed-method approach for data collection and data analysis. A questionnaire, a pretest, a posttest, and students’ lecture notes were the main data collection tools that were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The findings of the questionnaire and students’ lecture notes revealed that Master one Language and Communication students use both the outline and the sentence note-taking methods which pertain to the linear note-taking style. In addition, it was disclosed that students perceive note-taking as an efficient technique that helps them to get better grades. Furthermore, the pretest and posttest findings showed that note-taking has a positive impact on students’ academic achievement.
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    EFL Teachers’ Strategies with Introvert Students to Enhance their Oral Performance in Debate: The Case of Third Year Students of the Department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi Ouzou
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Tansaout Dihia; Tachabount Radia
    This dissertation explores the strategies employed by EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers to enhance the oral performance of introvert students in debates. Its primary objectives are to identify the key characteristics of introvert students, drawing on Carl Jung's theory of personality types, and to examine their main challenges. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the various strategies employed by teachers to support introvert students to perform well in debates, based on Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory and their three core needs. To achieve these goals, the study was conducted within the English department at Mouloud Mammeri University, involving 30 third-year licence students and three teachers of oral expression. Data collection involved administrating the questionnaire to the thirty students via social media and conducting interview with the teachers. The collected data were then analyzed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The findings of the study revealed a high prevalence of introversion in classes, which is characterized by a strong focus on inner thoughts and energy. Introvert students faced challenges related to shyness, anxiety, fear of making mistakes, and a lack of self-confidence. The study also demonstrated that teachers implemented a range of strategies to enhance introvert students' speaking skill in debate. These strategies included promoting equal participation, organizing discussions in small groups, providing positive feedback, and utilizing visual aids.
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    Colonial oppression and Commitment in the two Literary Works:Yeats’s Cathleen Ni Houlihan and Mouloud Mammeri’s L’Opium et le Baton
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Nemmar Halima; Boudjemai Nesrine
    This study investigate the intricate themes of colonial oppression and Commitment as they are depicted in the two seminal literary works :William Butler Yeats’ “Cathleen Ni Houlihan” and Mouloud Mammeri’s “L’Opium et le Baton” .Through the Lents of Frantz Fanon’s theory of “Concerning Violence” and Jean Paul Sartre’s theory of Commitment .Our study examines the character’s struggles against colonial subjugation highlighting Fanon’s exploration of violence as a means of reclaiming agency in the fact of oppression .This have relation with Sartre’s concept of commitment ,emphasizing the ethical responsibility to fight against injustice. The analysis delves into the nuanced portrayals of colonialism, shedding light on the psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of subjugation. This offers a deep understanding of complexities of colonialism a resilience of human spirit in the pursuit of freedom and self-determination. We have divided our work into sections. In the first one we have dealt with the historical backgrounds of both Ireland and Algeria to put the two literary works in their contexts. In the second section we have dealt with the theme of Colonial oppression in both literary works. In the last section we have tried to apply the theory of commitment in William Butler Yeats’s “Cathleen Ni Houlihan” and L’Opium et le Baton by Mouloud Mammeri.
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    Using Mind Mapping to improve understanding and retention of vocabulary acquisition for the EFL’s learners. Case Study: 3rd Year Secondary Pupils at Yazouren Mohamed School in Azeffoun, Tizi-ouzou
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2020-12) Bouchakour Faiza
    This study is about using mind mapping as a technique to enhance EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners' vocabulary acquisition. The study has three main objectives, including introducing the concept of mind mapping, analyzing the connection between mind mapping and understanding and memorizing skills improvement, and determining the effectiveness of mind mapping as a learning guide for vocabulary acquisition. The population for the study was 43 pupils in their 3rd year at Yazouren Mohamed in Azeffoun (Tizi-ouzou), and the data collection and analysis used a mixed methods approach. The study found a significant relationship between the use of mind mapping and improved understanding and memorization skills during vocabulary learning. The authors conclude that the use of mind mapping in learning English vocabulary can help learners achieve a deeper level of learning.
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    Investigating Teaching and Learning Vocabulary through the Pictionary Game: The Case of Second Year Pupils of Amyoud Smail Middle School in Tizi-Ouzou
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Arab Ouarda; Iguernlala Sihem
    The present research investigates the use of the Pictionary game (PG) as a teaching/learning tool to improve the vocabulary mastery and acquisition of second-year pupils at Amyoud Smail Middle School. More specifically, it aims to gather pupils’ perceptions regarding the use of the Pictionary game as a teaching tool for learning vocabulary. Additionally, it seeks to determine whether the teachers at Amyoud Smail Middle School support the adoption of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT) to teach vocabulary through the PG. To reach these objectives, we have relied on the literature review and on Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory, which views language and social interaction as the cornerstone of learning. The study has adopted mixed methods research combining both quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection. For data collection, a questionnaire is administered to thirty-one (31) second-year pupils, and a semi-structured interview is conducted with three (03) teachers of Amyoud Smail Middle School. Concerning data analysis, the Descriptive Statistical Method is used to analyse the quantitative data obtained from the close-ended questions of the pupils’ questionnaire, and Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) is applied to interpret the findings obtained from the open-ended questions of the teachers’ interview. The results of this study have demonstrated that second-year pupils at Amyoud Smail Middle School have positive perceptions of the use of PG as a teaching/learning tool to enhance their vocabulary learning, as it provides a relaxing and engaging environment to develop and acquire vocabulary effectively. Moreover, the outcomes have revealed that the teachers at Amyoud Smail support the adoption of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach, as it promotes collaboration, social interactions, and pupils’ ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations.
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    DinawMengestu’sThe BeautifulThingsthatHeavenBears (2007) and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’sAmericanah(2013):A Comparative Study
    (Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Smail Chahinaz; Skendraoui Katia
    This research study is a comparative analysis of the novels The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears by DenawMengestu (2007) and ChimamandaNgoziAdichie’sAmericanah (2013). The objective of this research is to delve into the various challenges experienced by the protagonist. Moreover, the study aims to examine the cultural clash that shapes the experiences and difficulties faced by the protagonists SephaStephanos and Ifemelu. To achieve our goal, we have incorporated HomiK.Bhabha concepts of ‘Mimicry’ and ‘Hybridity’. Initially, we focus on the common complexities that SephaStephanos encounters as an African Immigrant, as well as the challenges faced by Ifemelu in America, and upon her return to Nigeria. Also we delve into the evolution of identity of the protagonists with particular emphasis on their cross-cultural interactions, self-discovery and their personal growth. Consequently, our comprehensive analysis of the chosen novels leads us to a discerning conclusion. Mengestu and Adichie share common perspectives towards racism and cultural clash.