The Feminine and the Masculine Within in William Faulkner’s The Sound and The Fury (1929) and Osamu Dazai’s The Setting Sun (1947)

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Mouloud Mammeri University


This dissertation targets the depiction of the feminine and the masculine within in William Faulkner’s The Sound and The Fury (1929) and Osamu Dazai’s The Setting Sun (1947). This comparison aims to study how Faulkner and Dazai portray brave female characters and emotional male personas in almost the same historical and social setting. To thoroughly analyze the characters, psychoanalysis is fundamental for understanding thought patterns and behaviour. Carl Gustav Jun’s concepts of anima and animus provide the necessary knowledge for exploring the masculine aspect of women’s psyche, and the feminine aspect of men’s psyche. I also rely on the concept of shadow to analyze the male characters. The results of this research uncovers the masculine within of Caddy Compson and Kazuko who project their resilience.They fight and rebel to gain freedom and independence. The findings also points to the feminine energy of Quentin and Noji who are driven by hypersensitivity and emotional dominance. To conclude, Faulkner and Dazai contributed to the bearing of the feminine and masculine energy of both men and women by portraying women with heroic traits and men with deep emotions.


63p. ; 30cm(+CD-Rom)


Dazai, Faulkner, Masculine, Resilience, Animus, Anima, Feminine, Emotion


General and Comparative Literature