أنموذجا James Burrows للمخرج Friends تحديات سترجة التعابير الاصطلاحية من الانجليزية الى العربية سلسلة

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جامعة مولود معمري تيزي وزو


This study aims to bridge the linguistic and cultural gap by translating a selection of English idiomatic expressions, from the American famous film Friends into Arabic. So we carried out a study on fifteen idiomatic expressions, that is why we formulated this problematic question how can idiomatic expressions be translated from English to Arabic and what are the challenges that the translator faces during this process?, In order to respond to this question and the other ones, we have divided our work into two chapters. we have carried out by translating the fifteen idiomatic expressions by using Formal and Dynamic equivalent of Nida, it is the preferred strategy for preserving cultural context and meaning, and emerged as the most effective approach. To accurately convey the intended meaning and emotional Impact of English idiomatic expressions in the target language, the translator must possess a deep understanding of both the source and target cultures.


95 p. ; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Idiomatic expressions, Translation, Strategies, Equivalence, Formal equivalence, Dynamic equivalence


ترجمة تطبيقٌيةٌ