Violence in Alex LA Guma A Walk in the Night (1962) and Bobby Sands’s One Day in My Life (1983)

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Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi –Ouzou


The aim of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of violence and counter violence in Alex La Guma’s A Walk in The Night (1962) and Bobby Sands’s One Day in My Life (1983) in two chapters devoted to each of the literary works. We have borrowed some concepts of the theory of violence elaborated in Frantz Fanon’s book namely The Wretched of The Earth (1961), in order to better discuss the issue of violence which subverted and distorted the life of both South African and Northern Irish indigenous, being victims of injustice and oppression, etc. Our analysis is sustained with a historical background reflecting reality of both population conditions, through which, we have come to some major similar results .Our concern is also to shed light on the affinities that exist between both socio-political systems namely Apartheid in South Africa and Unionist government in Northern Ireland and their role in impacting as well as affecting both writers content. One of the main arguments of our study is that historical events had a great impact on the above mentioned literary works since both of them showed a direct reference to one of the bloodiest and darkest episodes in the history of the concerned countries. Both writer’s goal is to ascribe blame to both political systems urged to see equality and peace as a threat to their positions and therefore deem them responsible of the dramatically changed situations brought by a steady escalation of violence once the oppressed population acquired enough courage to revolt against the ruling order.


70p. ; 30cm.(+CD-Rom)


Apartheid, abusive measures, British forces, colonial forces, counter violence, discrimination, injustice, Irish republican army, racial system, Segregation, south Africa, unionist based government


Literature and Interdisciplinary Approaches.