Difficulties of Subtitling an Algerian Dialect into English language Case study:Soltan Achour 10 comedy

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This work deals with the difficulties encountered in subtitling the Algerian dialect, used in comedy of Soltan Achour 10, into English language .So, we have opted for subtitling using the interpretative theory, “Equivalence and Borrowing” (Vinay & Darbelnet procedures of translation), and Agiesub software in order to achieve the goal of this study. From this research we first deduce that the interpretative theory is able to render the meaning but it cannot keep the original humoristic effect. then in the process of subtitling when using the previous software, we also deduce that the translator encounters several constraints that demand modifications related for example to the number of characters, time … The current research brings another study to the audiovisual field; it may helps in enriching this domain and pushes other translators to be interested by such studies in order to improve this domain that serves to the exportation of the local cinematographic production. Considering our analysis, we have noticed that subtitles must have a complete meaning in a concise writing, and that the style used in subtitles must suits perfectly to the original script. As we deduced that some terms and expression proper to the Algerian society have to be kept the same because it pushes the target audience to learn more about the Algerian traditions, and the translators should not exaggerate with the use of cultural equivalents and adaptations because many changes in the cultural elements of original script occurred. Finally while subtitling; the translator must take into consideration the role of the audience by listening to their needs.


p.56; 30 cm. (+CD)



Arabic-English-Arabic Translation