An Analysis of EFL Teachers’ Communication Strategies Used with Third - Year Primary School Pupils in Tizi-ouzou (Algeria)

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Mouloud Mammeri University


This research aims to explore the communication strategies employed by English primary school teachers inside the classroom to interact with pupils in Tizi-Ouzou. This study focuses on two (02) main objectives. The first objective is to identify the most commonly employed communication strategies by English elementary school instructors when interacting with young learners. The second one is to investigate the main challenges that these educators face during classroom interaction. Mariani’s (2010) theory of “Communication Strategies, Learning and Teaching how to Manage Oral Interaction” is used as a theoretical framework in this present study. This study adopts a mixed-method approach, using both quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection and data analysis. To conduct this research, fourteen (14) classroom observation sessions have been carried out in three (3) different primary schools in Draa El Mizan, Tizi-Ouzou. Besides, interviews have been conducted with three teachers. Classroom observation data are analysed using Descriptive Statistical Analysis (DSA), while the information obtained from teacher interviews are interpreted using Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA). The findings gathered through the classroom observations and the interview indicate that primary school English teachers rely mainly on using various strategies to interact effectively inside the classroom such as, definitions and descriptions, repetition, body movements, visual aids and objects (realia). Moreover, primary school educators face many challenges when interacting with young children namely, linguistic problems, lack of attention, lack of motivation, and multi-level group. Finally, recommendations for further research are provided.


59p. : 30cm(+CD-Rom)


Communication strategies, Classroom Interaction, Primary School Teachers, Pupils, Challenges


Language and Communication